Senin, 08 Juni 2009

Ace Inhibitor and Cerebral Perfusion

Ofer the last fifteen years a number of large trials have demonstrated the benefit of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in a wide variety diseases states. Most recently, the Perindopil Protection Against Recurent Stroke Study (PROGRESS) has provided evidence that an ACE inhibitor-based regimen reduces the incidence of stroke. Althought the mecanism which underlies this benefit remains undevined, the result of the progressstudy have stimulated interest in the neurohumoral control of the cerebrovascular circulation, as they suggest thatb ACE inhibision may lead to improvement in impaired intracranial haemodinamics. this articel will provide an overviewof the role of the renin angiotension system in the modulasion of cerebral blood flow, and will discusesthe effectof ACE inhibision on blood pressuran cerebral perfussion in the contect of hipertensionand cerebovascular desease.

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